Tag Archives: Perseverance


Perseverance is a powerful concept, and one that requires constant consideration in this house.  The first time I actively considered the importance of perseverance was decades ago when I read a business article stating that success was about 90% perseverance and 10% talent. This statement inspired me to consider its truth and it didn’t take […]


As I have mentioned a few times, this year promises to be challenging.  Two imposing mountains are in my view.   The most intimidating and overwhelming mountain is the growth in Cailyn’s tumour.  Being Cailyn’s advocate requires me to use my project management skills.  If the desired outcomes of this project weren’t so critical, the […]

What a day…

An update that seems to have been forever in the making… and yet, there’s still much to be decided. It was a very long day yesterday, involving over 3-1/2 hours of meetings with three specialists about the latest growth in Cailyn’s tumour. Thankfully, my headache didn’t start until we were driving away from the hospital […]


My mind is so cluttered with “what ifs”, that I haven’t successfully figured out what to write.  Spinning around in my head are options, feelings, and the more mundane tasks involved with our day-to-day logistics.   It’s been almost 7 weeks since I learned that Cailyn’s tumour has grown and I had both hoped and expected that we would know by now […]

Long week-end

The long week-end is officially over and half the grains of sand in summer’s hour glass have passed.  The week-end started with a bang and ended with a whimper.  Lauryn and Delaney, her beach volleyball partner competed in their first beach provincial championships on Saturday.  It was a rocky start… Lauryn had slept very poorly on Friday […]

Heat is on!

Holy smokes… pun intended… it is hot!  Both literally and figuratively!   As far as the literal is concerned, we all look forward to the warmer temperatures our summer brings.  However, there are definitely times, like the last few days, that us Hovey girls would prefer “spring”-like temperatures!  Cailyn would prefer cooler temperatures because she doesn’t cope well with […]


Yesterday morning started with a question… I got a text from my Mom asking, “Are you up?”  It was a unique question and it made me wonder what was going on.  I texted back “yes”.  Within 10 seconds, my phone rang and I heard my Mom say, “it’s a sunny day outside but it isn’t […]

Unique Presentation

I have just had a most interesting experience with Cailyn.  As her school is preparing for their “Relay for Life”, one of her friends asked her if she would speak about her journey at an assembly scheduled to get students involved in the fund-raising experience. She agreed, and immediately asked me if I would help […]

Title of First Book

I share our healthcare journey with nurses, doctors and residents.  My greatest goal for these presentations is to inspire medical professionals to respect the critical role they play in enabling parents / caregivers to become the strong partners with whom they’d like to work.  There is no question that we want to be viewed and respected as […]

Just Keep Swimming

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve muttered this phrase to myself over the last few years.  I love the Dory character in “Finding Nemo”.  The wisdom she’s famous for offering is simple, but I think its simplicity is what contributes to its power.  To me, “Just Keep Swimming” means just keep going… make […]