Monthly Archives: May 2016


Cailyn was working on her media project over the week-end.  Her topic is:  “how perceived / real disabilities have always inspired / continue to inspire contrasting reactions”.  She didn’t pick this topic out of a hat, it is a topic she crafted.  When I asked her what her goal was for this topic, she said she wanted to […]


Last night I was thinking about the idiom “stick your oar in”… and it got me thinking about how similar parenting is to rowing a boat.  The more I thought about it, the more I convinced myself of its truth. Once you are a parent, you are always “IN the boat”… and, I don’t mean […]

Really Home!

It’s the end of a wonderful long week-end.  I was definitely in celebration mode. Last Thursday, Cailyn, Mom and I headed to London for the next step in Cailyn’s recovery.  First, the cast had to be removed and she had to have x-rays to see how her healing is going.  Her doctor is pleased with the healing but noted that her […]

Fun and Games

Tuesday night was a fun night.  Lauryn had a volleyball practice with her team.  About half an hour before her practice ended, the parents gathered and began their warm-up  –  for a play-off between the girls and their parents.  What a hoot!!!   I was sincerely concerned about my ability to play.  The last time I played […]


This weekend Lauryn and I moved home.  My parents were returning from their get-away to Missouri on Saturday and we had to move our stuff out so they could move their stuff in.  It’s a bit dramatic, but I was truly surprised by the volume of things that migrated to Mom and Dad’s apartment over the […]

Relay for Life

The Relay for Life event was an exceptional experience. We arrived early to participate in the Survivor Dinner.  It was a delicious meal served by the students who were members of the committee who organized the whole event.  I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that all of the attendees were personally touched by a […]


Yesterday morning started with a question… I got a text from my Mom asking, “Are you up?”  It was a unique question and it made me wonder what was going on.  I texted back “yes”.  Within 10 seconds, my phone rang and I heard my Mom say, “it’s a sunny day outside but it isn’t […]


I woke up this morning and felt a sense of “oh boy, it’s Tuesday”.  Tuesdays have been special days for years, but not always in a way that you’d want to celebrate! Philosophically, each day is special, but Tuesday’s claim-to-fame in our family has been that, over the last few years, it was the auspicious […]