It’s the end of a wonderful long week-end. I was definitely in celebration mode.
Last Thursday, Cailyn, Mom and I headed to London for the next step in Cailyn’s recovery. First, the cast had to be removed and she had to have x-rays to see how her healing is going. Her doctor is pleased with the healing but noted that her bones had noticeably thinned over the 6 weeks. He assured us that, once she started putting weight on her foot, her bones will strengthen. Next on the docket was the removal of the wires. It went better than we expected but it was a challenging enough experience that we were all ecstatic when it was behind us!! She now has a green cast and it will be on for 3 weeks. So, since Thursday afternoon, Cailyn has been gradually increasing the amount of weight she’s putting on her foot.
Now that she can put some weight on it, I was hopeful that Cailyn would feel comfortable making the transition home. It has been a sincere blessing that my parents have hosted Cailyn over the last 6+ weeks… it has facilitated Cailyn’s independence and has resulted in us having a great deal of time together. We have all benefitted from their love and generosity. As the expression goes, though, all good things must come to an end! I think the idea of moving home has been intimidating for Cailyn. Thankfully, we had some fun events planned this week-end that inspired Cailyn to test her ability to get in and out of a couple different homes. It gave me the opportunity to say… if you’re up to trying to navigate our friends’ homes, you must be up to navigating our house! So… on Saturday, she came home for the first time. I took her back to my parents’ place at the end of the evening but the whole day was a positive experience. When I picked her up on Sunday, she was open to considering sleeping at home. So, at the end of a great day, she came home with Lauryn and I! YAY!
I’m grateful for many things tonight… I’m grateful for the support provided by my parents. I’m grateful for the fun times shared with special families. And, I’m grateful my girl is home! Here’s to her improved mobility! Let the exercises begin!!