I haven’t updated for a long time because I have struggled with what to write. I can’t seem to find words powerful enough to express sufficiently how deeply this journey has pushed me.
When Cailyn was first diagnosed, I was told that I needed to accept that she had a chronic, life-threatening illness. Frankly, I didn’t accept it at the time, but over the last 15 years and 4 progressions in her tumour, I’ve come to begrudgingly accept it. Correlated with this begrudging acceptance is my sense of decreasing resilience. It wasn’t until I was asked to share my strategies for developing resiliency in children, that I unlocked this correlation. I am writing again today because I’ve decided I need to reboot… I need to actively draw upon these strategies so I can regain my own resiliency.
In the meantime…
Cailyn had a second reconstructive surgery on her left foot on November 22nd. The surgery involved breaking her foot in a couple places and inserting a plate and a very long screw. She was non-weight-bearing for 7 weeks and is now sporting an air-cast. At her appointment last week, we learned that the goal is to be out of the air-cast by early April. It’s a very long process but she is very happy with how straight her foot looks… it’s the straightest I can recall seeing it in a decade!
Cailyn also had a follow-up MRI yesterday and we are anxiously awaiting the results. Her tumour grew last year and I’m so hopeful it has stabilized now. We didn’t start any treatment because her body has already been subjected to so much and there is a chance that her tumour will become quiet as she matures into adulthood. I feel like I’m holding my breath…
On a very positive note, Cailyn received early acceptance to two of her three choices for University and is hopeful to hear from her number one choice. Since last September, she has been getting “real-life” experience through two jobs. It has been wonderful to see growth in her confidence!
Lauryn is continuing to love playing volleyball, which is a great thing because our schedule is packed with volleyball-related commitments and opportunities, both social and otherwise. Since I last wrote, she has formally decided that she wants to play and grow her skills beyond high-school. I’m trying to keep up with her!
I am blessed with these two beautiful girls. Their resilience reminds me of what it takes… stay tuned for more on resilience!!