Tuesday night was a fun night. Lauryn had a volleyball practice with her team. About half an hour before her practice ended, the parents gathered and began their warm-up – for a play-off between the girls and their parents. What a hoot!!!
I was sincerely concerned about my ability to play. The last time I played volleyball was when I was working for ABB in Ottawa in the 90’s. So… it has been a couple of decades… holy doodle, where HAS the time gone!! I haven’t played because my knees are pretty worn out… my mind is certainly more willing than my body. However… I was completely unable to stop myself from playing with this great group of parents… and there was definitely a part of me that wanted to contribute to us showing our girls that we’ve “still got it”!!!
In preparation, I taped my knees and I bought new knee pads that are supposed to provide some “extra” support. I was a little worried that my heart could start racing again, but I knew there was no way to really guard against it… I would just have to sit out if it happened.
Within a couple of minutes of being on the court, I realized that my competitive spirit is much stronger than my knees! Apparently, a desire to compete doesn’t have to be exercised to be maintained. I have donned my game face hundreds of times over the last 11+ years, but never with the same sense of enjoyment!
Thanks for a great experience, team!! “Faking it ’til I make it” is much more fun on a volleyball court!!