I am way overdue updating this blog!!
I did hear back from Cailyn’s oncologist after she had a chance to sit down with the neuro-radiologist and review Cailyn’s scans. She confirmed that the tumour appears stable since the November MRI but shared that, with the progression that has occurred over the last year, Cailyn will have to start treatment if there is any further growth over the next 6 months.
It would be easier to enjoy the “lull” between MRIs if I knew for certain that her tumour wasn’t growing during this same time period. The most constructive approach is obviously to assume that everything is fine unless proven otherwise. You would think that my 12 years of experience, over more than 50 MRIs, would strengthen my resolve and ability to stay in this mindset but I can admit that I have NOT perfected this skill.
A week after our appointment in London, “If this is Tuesday…“, we headed back to London for another ultrasound to figure out the positioning of the tubing from her port. Unfortunately, the results were inconclusive again, and because the scan is abnormal, we’ll have to go back for a different type of test. When the doctor actually came in the room to discuss this, I could tell the moment when Cailyn realized that missing school and driving to London had achieved nothing… she didn’t say anything but I believe her frustration mirrored mine.
On a lighter note, we just got home from our trip to Hilton Head for March Break. Although the weather was cool, we had a fun time biking, sightseeing in Savannah, connecting with friends from Waterloo, completing aerial adventure courses, spending some time on the beach and in pools, and some of us enjoyed shopping! My girls loved having their cousins with them… I didn’t witness one uncomfortable moment between them… quite a feat considering they were in each other’s space 24-7 🙂
Four of the next seven weekends are busy with volleyball tournaments. The balance of the weekends will be consumed by a cottage visit, group tickets to Singing in the Rain, two milestone birthday parties and a sixtieth wedding anniversary. I’m counting on this “busy”-ness to help me stay in the moment!
Here’s to many great moments!