Time, precious time. We have had exceptional experiences so far this summer. Family vacation time in the Okanagan Valley, a great visit to special friends and dear family in San Francisco, beach volleyball barbecues with our wonderful volleyball families, residence camp for my girls at Camp Trillium, and a “girl-cousin reunion” that was 15 and a half years in the making.
Unbelievably, we still have more great experiences to anticipate, starting with Family Camp at Camp Trillium.
Sitting in the airport a couple weekends ago, I was hit by an insight. We got through check-out and customs quickly and I had time to relax. As I was sitting reading, my excitement was bubbling right out of me, inspiring me to reach out to the girls two times to tell them how blessed I felt to be on this adventure with them. As I was about to repeat myself a third time, I thought about the power of anticipation and I realized that it wasn’t the destination that mattered, it was the fact that I was sharing something special with my girls… time.
We all know that once the grain of sand passes through the neck of the hour glass, it’s beyond retrieving. And, I fully embrace the idea that the size of my house, the type of car I drive, the material items I own, will all be meaningless as my last grain of sand drops… what will matter is the relationships and experiences I have shared with the people in my life.
Although I have held this belief for longer than Cailyn has been on her exceptional health care journey, her journey consistently reinforces it. I have had moments when I was sincerely concerned that Cailyn’s sand was running out, and there are way too many families who would give anything for more time with loved ones who have passed. Cherish your special moments with your loved ones, whether you’re flying off to some exotic locale or playing a board game and listening to music together.
Time is of the essence……