Cailyn’s Latest Cast
Cailyn had her post-surgical follow-up and cast change yesterday. Having never gone down this path before, I really didn’t know what to expect… I was definitely nervous about seeing all of the incisions!!
When we first sat down in the examination room, I noticed x-rays posted on the screen. In the x-ray, I noticed two long black lines. I had no idea what they were!
My Mom came with us and all three of us collectively held our breaths as the last layers of wrapping came off…
I was ready to see a number of incisions but I most definitely wasn’t ready for the two wires poking out of her foot (regardless of whether or not I had noticed the black lines in the x-ray)!! I wasn’t the only one surprised. Cailyn told me, after the new cast was put on, that looking at her foot made her feel like throwing up. I never felt like throwing up, but every time I thought about them having to pull out the wires at her next cast change, I had to take a few deep breaths!! My Mom just kept marvelling at how good the incisions looked… she was completely calm and cool. I told her she has a command performance in 4 weeks time!!
Her surgeon was pleased with how things looked and we were all pleased with the straightness of her foot. Before her surgery, Cailyn’s foot would curve in when it was relaxed. Yesterday, it didn’t! She was the first to comment on it and it made her smile!! Woohoo!!!
The plan for Cailyn’s next appointment is to remove the cast, take x-rays, pull out the wires, and re-cast it. The nurse suggested that Cailyn have some pain medication before this appointment. As for me, I’m hopeful there will be a nice place to sit down!!
Stay tuned!!