Tag Archives: What matters most

Uncle David

    I would like to use this vehicle to honour my Uncle David.  Uncle Dave lost his battle last night with a rare blood cancer.  It is a disease that he has battled for a decade.  And, although there were moments we were hopeful, in the end, the disease won the battle. My parents, my […]


Monday afternoon, I drove the girls to Camp Trillium  for six days of camp.   This camp is a very special place specifically focused on providing great experiences for children with cancer and their families.  During this week of camp, both of my girls have the gift of sharing time and having fun with kids who really get what it means to […]

Weekend of Teams

This was a weekend of teams for me.  I spent time with my extended family to celebrate 3 birthdays (mine included); I watched Lauryn’s 12U volleyball team play 7 matches at the Ontario 13U Provincials; and, I hung out with the volleyball parents. I love teams!  I always have.  We encounter teams all the way through our lives, from family […]